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It's Swallow Season!!

"Swallows are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 making it illegal to control an infestation on your property from February 15th to September 1st, as enforced by the California Department of Fish and Game. This time frame is recognized as breeding season for swallows." 

Let SSBC Help!! After September 1st,  we can come and clean off all the empty nest from the structure and install bird abatement. By using our 25 years of bird control experience, we will establish a protective perimeter around your structure that will ensure the swallows will not be able to nest for years to come!! 
All of our methods are made of low visibility material and custom fitted for all types of structures.

Visual Examples

Swallow Netting.
Swallow netting.
Swallow netting.
Swallow netting.
Swallow netting.
Swallow netting.
Swallow Infestation
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